Monday, February 2, 2009

young mr. lincoln. oil on canvas. 18 by 24 in. painted 2-1-2009 and 2-2-2009.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

this is a painting i did 12-17-2008. it came from 2 different sketchs i drew on a small pieces of paper while i was on the phone at different times. i put the two together to compose this. oil on canvas 16 by 22 in. will sell for $200. it still will be worked when it drys. will title later.

Monday, December 15, 2008

this is a painting i started december 14th. now it is the 15th and i have a good jump on covering the canvas. when it dries i will work it more to a finish. i haven't titled it yet. that will come as i get closer to finishing it. i drew the composition out in about 5 minutes from just thoughts that came to my mind and eyes. oil on canvas. 24 by 36 in. will sell for $400 when done.